Ep. 22: Humility vs Humiliation | Best Conduct

The Prophet (SAW) chose to live as a humble servant of Allah, emphasizing humility as the path to true elevation. Humility, distinct from humiliation, begins with submission to Allah’s commands and refraining from pride. This virtue, cherished by Allah, contrasts with Shaytan’s arrogance, leading to his downfall.

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Once, Jibreel (AS) came with another angel to the prophet (SAW), and the angel had a proposal. He said, “Allah (SWT) has given you a choice; if you want, you can be a prophet and a king, or if you want, you can be a messenger and a slave. Which would you like to be?” The prophet (SAW) realized that both ways he would remain a prophet of Allah (SWT) and now it was just a matter of choosing if he wanted to do it as a king or as a slave. The prophet (SAW) looked to Jibreel (AS) for his opinion and Jibreel (AS) pointed towards the ground, saying, “Keep yourself low.” The prophet (SAW) understood and told the angel that he wanted to be a slave and a messenger. Why did the prophet (SAW) choose to live as a slave of Allah (SWT)? Because Allah (SWT) has created us as slaves, and the more submissive we are to Allah (SWT), the higher our rank is. The way to attain a high rank is to humble oneself for the sake of Allah (SWT). The more a person elevates themself and makes themself prominent, the lower they fall. This is mentioned very clearly in a hadith; “One who is humble and keeps themselves low for Allah (SWT), Allah (SWT) takes it upon himself to elevate that person. One who does the opposite and is in the business of raising themselves over others, Allah (SWT) takes the responsibility of lowering that person. This is why humility was so dear to the prophet (SAW), and his whole life was a reflection of humility. He was never portrayed, even by his worst enemies, as someone who was arrogant or conceited, or someone who thought he was better than other people. This is the way he dealt with other people, and this is how he taught us as well. In one hadith, he taught the people, “Allah has revealed to me that Muslims should be humble to the extent that no one feels boastful over another, and no one has the audacity to be proud over another.” In other words, no one can say, “I am better than so and so.” “Nor would someone have the courage to hurt someone because they think they are superior.” When a person feels that someone else is less than them, they will use rough and abusive language with them,push them around or put them down. The prophet (SAW) said, “Allah (SWT) has revealed to me that this should be eradicated from my Ummah.” Someone might say, “If I am humble all the time, people will walk all over me. That is why I keep my head high and proud.” This is a misunderstanding. You can have the greatest amount of self respect and be humble. There is a difference between being humble and being humiliated. Being humiliated is being put down by someone or lowering yourself in front of someone for some worldly benefit; and to become humble in front of someone to gain something from them. This is humiliation. But, while knowing that you are worthy of respect, and keeping oneself low and preventing oneself from being proud for the sake of Allah is a quality that is beloved by Allah (SWT). This is humility. While explaining the residents of Jannah, the prophet (SAW) mentions those who kept themselves humble and low, and the residents of Jahannam will be those who kept themselves proud, angry and raised their heads. There is a big difference between being humble for the sake of Allah and being humiliated. to have humility, we must first be humble in front of Allah (SWT). Acknowledging his power, authority, and the authority of what he tells us to do; this is where humility begins. Being humble begins with knowing that Allah (SWT) is the greatest and that his commands are absolute. We never rise against those commands, and we never question them or try to correct them. This is against the compulsory humility of every slave. If we do not have that, we end up being the followers of Shaytan. What does Shaytan do? Allah (SWT) gave him a commandment to bow to Adam as a greeting and because Allah (SWT) created him. Shaytan said, “I am better than him. I do not need to be bowing to him because I am better than him. If you look at it from my perspective, I am created from fire, and he is created from dirt. Dirt always goes down and fire always rises.” He started using logic. In fact, this was his lack of humility, and it was his confidence and reasoning that made him adamant and defiant to the command of Allah (SWT). He was ruined in this world and in the hereafter. One of the most essential qualities of a believer is that they are humble. They do not walk around or have to prove to anyone that they are larger than life, or that they are more important, and they never consider themselves to be superior to anyone for any reason. No matter what they have, they acknowledge what Allah (SWT) has given them, but they do not feel that they are better than any other person. This is the direction that we all need to go. May Allah (SWT) allow us to adopt these qualities.