We live in a time of very fast technological advancements, and it feels like every few days, a new piece of technology comes out that is surprising, wonderful, attractive, and powerful. We all use technology and for the remainder of our lives we will continue to use technology. However, just like everything else in life, there are some limits and ground rules that we should follow. This pertains to everything in our lives. Even a pencil has limits and ground rules. A pencil can do certain things and there are certain things it cannot do. This pencil can be used for benefit and can also be used to write something harmful. The same kind of principles apply to modern technology, whether it is phones, tablets, laptops, computers, or such. Whatever it is that gives us access to information. These things by themselves, are just tools, and what we make with that tool will decide whether it is permissible or not. Somebody who picks up a pencil with the intention of writing a death threat to someone is using a very simple tool to do something extremely dangerous and deadly. Similarly, a person who picks up a pencil and starts writing obscenities with it has taken a useful tool and made something disgusting with it. The devices that we have access to will fall under a similar category. What we use technology to access defines whether it is something of good or evil. In today’s world, you are who you click, and you are what you click. In the case of handheld devices, you are what you tap. Everyone knows that you can access unlimited kinds of content on the internet, but really, what choices are we making? Sometimes, a human being is weak, and they slip, and they fall into a vicious cycle. Some things are very addictive, and a person is unable to detach themselves from it. These things are constantly playing over and over in their minds. This happens with good and decent people.
What do we do? The first thing is, obviously, making tawbah and asking Allah (SWT) to forgive us. It also about using those means that help us get away from that thing. If a person knows that they have a weakness of viewing inappropriate things while using their device in privacy, the step that they need to take is to stop using that device in privacy and start using it in a setting where there are people around them. That environment will serve as a deterrent and save them from that. Similarly, a person should think for every sin, “What leads me to this? What triggers it in me?” These technologies are here to say, they will not go anywhere, and in fact, most of us within our lives will see some even more amazing and powerful tools, but the limits always apply. The other thing is that sometimes, a halal and permissible thing and activity often becomes a bridge for someone to reach the extents of haram. When does this happen? When a person does not engage in something that is necessary, and the thing is unnecessary. A person will justify it, saying it is halal, but is it necessary? No, it is not necessary. A person spends all this time doing this thing that it is difficult to say that it is haram, but it is not important and is unnecessary. They are spending so much time on it that their Iman dilutes, and it is very easy for them to step over the boundaries of that which is impermissible. This is usually what happens. It is rarely that a person that is pious will jump from practicing to all suddenly break a major commandment. There is always a transition period in which the Iman is damaged or weakened, a person falls lazy and becomes less vigilant, and slowly they slip and fall into the pit of haram which is difficult to climb out of. This is why Umar ibn Khattab used to say, “We left 90% of halal things just because of the thought that this might lead us to haram.” The believer is not just looking at the act itself but is also seeing what it leads to and what it creates inside. As Muslims, we are sensitive to these things, so let this be an introduction to dealing with technology of any sort. May Allah (SWT) enable us to use these things for good and save us from using these things to displease him.