Ep. 32: What Allah Does for Us | Best Conduct

Allah (SWT) created the universe with absolute power and no assistance. His signs are everywhere—from rain’s precise descent to Earth’s stability despite its speed. Reflecting on nature and our own bodies reveals His perfection. Islam calls for recognizing and submitting to Allah, sacrificing desires for His commands.

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Allah (SWT) has created the entire universe by his own will and command. To create it, he did not need anyone’s help, assistance or consultance. He did not need to ask anyone. His power is absolute. Throughout this universe, he has placed many signs that indicate his grandeur, power, beauty, and glory. When a person spends just a little bit of time thinking of those things, they start connecting with him. “Who else has created the heavens and the earth? I have made arrangements for water to come showering down.” A whole elaborate system for water and winds, molecules and movements, and finally, rain. Even the way rain comes down, it is done in such a beautiful way, by how he sends undercurrents to come beneath the clouds and scatter those clouds which contain hundreds of tons of small droplets of water; otherwise, if the cloud were to send all its water down at once, it would destroy everything it fell on. Allah (SWT) made arrangements for it to come down in such a beautiful way. Then, Allah (SWT) grows these beautiful gardens. It is not within a human being’s capacity to be able to grow a single tree on their own. A human’s capacity does not allow them to grow things in soil and bring something alive that bears fruit and something that is beautiful and grows. Human beings understand that the earth is not static and is constantly in movement. The estimated speed the earth rotates at is almost 1,000 kilometres per hour. Imagine something revolving at that speed. You have a tire that is turning at maybe 100 kilometres per hour. Imagine what happens when you have a car that is passing through rain and how the droplets go flying. Nothing can sit on the wheel and the movement is so fast. Imagine something as massive as this planet, how much speed and velocity is going into it. We and everything else on this planet should be being scattered out into the galaxy. Nothing should be able to stay put on this world. Allah (SWT) is putting opposite forces together and making them work in harmony. He says, “Who made this earth like that? Even with all this movement, you are at rest, and rivers and streams are within it, and plants and mountains within it. Is there something other than me who could have done this?” We say, “La ilaha illallah.” There is no one worthy of worship except Allah (SWT). There is no one worthy of turning to except Allah. Throughout this universe, the signs of Allah (SWT) are scattered and everywhere. In fact, every time you open your eyes, there are signs of Allah (SWT). Every time you look in the mirror, there are signs of Allah (SWT) staring right back at you. “Within yourselves are so many signs; contemplate about this eye, how complex and powerful Allah has made it. This brain, this heart, this liver and these kidneys.” Every organ in the human body is speaking of the glory of Allah and his perfection. Islam is about connecting and familiarizing ourselves with this creator and developing a bond with him. This beautiful, pure, and clean bond in which we voluntarily submit to him. For the sake of his command, we are willing to sacrifice our own desires. This is where Islam begins. Islam is submission to that master who put this entire universe here and who put us here. The most important objective of our lives is to recognize this creator and pledge our submission to him. May Allah (SWT) give us tawfiq and understanding.