Part 1: The Story of Ibrahim (AS)

Ibrahim (AS), among the greatest prophets, faced immense trials to prove his devotion to Allah (SWT). He challenged idol worship, confronted his father and people logically, and ultimately destroyed idols to expose falsehood. His unwavering faith, sacrifices, and wisdom made him a role model for believers across generations.

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Allah (SWT) sent prophets and messengers for the guidance of mankind. There were some prophets that he gave superiority and virtue over others. In other words, there were some who had a higher status, or a higher rank than other Anbiya. Amongst those prophets who had the highest rank is Ibrahim (AS). Ibrahim (AS) was not just a prophet, but he was you can say the father of every prophet to come after him. It is through the progeny of and the children of Ibrahim (AS) that all the prophets came. Allah (SWT) made Ibrahim (AS) such a kind person that anyone who believes in one God and who believes in divine scripture loves Ibrahim (AS). Jews, Christians, and Muslims all love Ibrahim (AS). Everyone of them honors him, remembers him, they have mention of him in their books, and they consider him to be an icon, an idol, a model of what piety and what self-sacrifice is, what nearness to Allah (SWT) is. Everyone sees him as that. But he did not just get that as a gift from Allah (SWT), he had to work for it. Allah (SWT) put him through tests that very few people could succeed. The Quran mentions the story of Ibrahim (AS) in great detail, and it also speaks of the many trials of Ibrahim (AS). Ibrahim (AS) started his life in an area which is now known as Iraq. His life began there in Mesopotamia at the time. And as he grew up and saw people worshipping idols and doing all kinds of strange things, he spoke out against it and he tried to change it. Like the hadith says that when one of you sees something wrong you should try to change it with your hands. So, Ibrahim (AS) tried to change things with his hand, with his tongue, and he was really worried about what people were doing. His own father was not just an idol worshipper, but he used to make and sell idols for a living. Ibrahim (AS) started with him, and tried to convince him, and spoke to him in a very loving and very caring way. And, in surah Maryam that dialogue between Ibrahim (AS) and his father is mentioned, where he keeps saying, “O my dear father, O my dear father, do not worship Shaytaan. O my dear father, I have some understanding, I have gained some knowledge from Allah (SWT), please listen to what I am saying. Oh, my dear father, do not worship these idols, and O my dear father I am worried, I am scared that Allah (SWT) might be displeased with you, please listen to me please.” But Ibrahim (AS)’s father, his name was Aazar, he did not budge. He said, “Ibrahim are you turning away from my faith?” Araaghib anta an aalihatiy-yaa Ibrahim? “Are you turning away from my gods? And Ibrahim (AS) continued until his father said La illam tantahee la arjumannak. If you do not stop, I am going to have you stoned. So, then Ibrahim (AS) said fine okay that is it, I am leaving, I will make du’a for you, I will make istighfaar for you. The incident of that temple that Ibrahim (AS) went into, it was not an ordinary incident, and it did not happen suddenly. Before that Ibrahim (AS) tried to speak to the minds of the people and get them to understand that what they were worshipping was not real, it could not be their creator. The story of when he pointed out to the stars and said, “Look everyone, look at all these stars. They are so beautiful and the way they twinkle, and they do this and this and this.” But then as the night went on, the stars started disappearing. Then he said, “I don’t like things that disappear on me, I don’t like things that go away and just leave me.” Then the next day he showed them the moon. He said “Look, maybe this is our god, maybe this is what created everything.” And then again when night passed the moon disappeared. And the next day he showed them the sun and he said, “Oh maybe this is the god because this is bigger than anything else we can see in the sky.” But then the sun also set. Then he said, “Oh people tell me, do you think any of these things could have created us and created this universe? Or are they just a part of it?” So, people started arguing, and getting loud?- just like when somebody hears something that they are not used to, something that is different. Or when you tell someone something different from what they have learnt, because they think what they have learnt is the ultimate truth. Every time you do that, they will say, “Oh no that is not possible, what are you talking about? That is not what we know.” So even though Ibrahim (AS) presented everything in a very logical way, people started arguing with him. So, he said Atuhaajjoonnee fillahi wa qad hadaan, you want to argue with me about Allah (SWT) even though Allah (SWT) is the one who has guided me? And he said, “Look I am not the one who should be afraid, you are the ones who should be afraid.” Now that is a weird thing for him to say, because they had the power, they had the numbers, they had everything. He said, “No, you are the ones who should be afraid.” Why? Alladhina aamanoo wa lam yalbisoo bithulmin ulaaika humul amnu wa hum-muhtadoon. Those who have true imaan, and they do not mix it with wrong beliefs, those are the ones who have the right to be at peace, and to be safe. And they are the ones who have guidance. Those who’s beliefs are mixed up, or are confused, or are weak, or are flimsy, those are the ones who need to be afraid. They will have a difficult time when they come to Allah (SWT). Things began to escalate for him, and then one day he said I am going to teach them a lesson in a different way, and he told them that, “Look, one day when you are not there, I am going to break all your idols, and I am going to wait for that moment.” So that is what happened. It was a big day of celebration, they said “Ibrahim (AS) why don’t you come with us.” He said, “I am sick.” What he meant was I am sick of what you are doing, it has made me sick, it has made me ill. I am so worried and bothered by it that I am literally not functional. So, they went and left him behind, and so he took the axe to all the idols and shattered them all except for the big one, and he put the axe in the neck of the biggest one, and then the story continues. We have talked about this a little bit before, but this a bit of insight into the story of Ibrahim (AS), because it is a very powerful story, and there are so many lessons to be learnt along the way. We will talk about it, and we will talk about some of the other sacrifices that Ibrahim (AS) made, that we do not always talk about, that we do not always hear about. That will come Insha’Allah in the coming days.